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Cocina Criolla / Desserts

Polvo de Amor


  • 1 coco seco
  • 1 libra de azúcar


Abra el coco, sáquele la pulpa y rállela. Páselapor un prensa de pure o majador y exprimala para extraerle la leche de coco. En un caldero combine el azúcar con la cachispa de coco exprimida. Mueva a fuego alto por 5 minutos. Reduzca el fuego a temperatura moderada y continúe moviendo alrededor de 10 minutos más, hasta que el coco tueste y tome un color dorado.

My Favorite Recipe Book

Find recipes like this and more in the recipe book Puerto Rican Cookery by Carmen Aboy Valldejuli. My mother gave me this recipe book on my 18th birthday and it has been my staple recipe book ever since.

Did You Know?

Puerto Rico was first enumerated by the U.S. Census Bureau for the U.S. War Department in 1899. Puerto Rico has been included as part of the decennial census since 1910. The Census Bureau conducted the first economic census in Puerto Rico in 1909.